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I'm Mohammed.

a developer

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I am a Computer Science student and a Web developer. I ❤️ swimming on the weekend

My Skills.


Design and Development

I became interested in coding during my freshman year of college because I wanted to make things that would benefit society. In the past several years, I have gained a significant amount of experience developing web applications.


FIFA Soccer Games Challenge

In addition, my best skill is playing FIFA soccer games. I am the undisputed king of playing online FIFA 2022 friendly matches. Chelsea, Liverpool, and PSG are my favorite teams.



Mohammed Abdulai

Well-rounded college student seeking a career in Software Engineering or. Demonstrates knowledge of basic and intermediate cyber security concepts through academic achievements, research and technical experience. Participates in University-sponsored mentorship and STEM outreach activities. Demonstrates the ability to work independently or in a collaborative environment.

  • Norfolk, VA
  • (123) 456-7891


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (3.73 GPA)

2020 - 2023

Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA

Associate in Information Technology (3.32 GPA)

2015 - 2017

Ghana Technology University College, Accra, GH

Technical Proficiencies


  • Linux, Windows, Heroku.


  • Microsoft Visual studio, VMWare, Oracle SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Office Suite, Bash


  • Selenium, smtplib, sqlite3, Bootstrap


  • C++, C, Java, SQL
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP

Related Coursework

  • Software Engineering
  • C++ Programming
  • Data Structures and ALgorithms
  • Software Engineering
  • UX/UI Design
  • Operating Systems
  • Java Programming
  • Networking and Data Communication

Professional Training

UX/UI Design Bootcamp


2022 Web Development Bootcamp



Microsoft Explore Intern

05/2021 - 08/2021

Microsoft, Redmond, WA

  • Design and implementation of visual enhancements such as highlights and text coloring resulting in a 30% increase in user engagement.

Research Assistant

01/2020 - Present

Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Va

  • Lead in the design, development and implementation of web application to simulate cybersecurity related task.
  • Developed a Client-side interface using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript for users to interact with the application.
  • Assisted in the Configuration of a virtual experimental environment using VMWare to launch and detect flooding attacks.
  • Assisted in the Modification of a Data Visualization (Lucid) code base to extract the pertinent information from the Snort log and prepared it for display on a graphical map.

Principal Disaster Control Officer (PDCO)

02/2021 - 12/2021

National Disaster Management Organization, Accra, Ghana

  • Oversaw the effective and efficient management of the emergency operations within the country.
  • Generally worked during normal business hours, but may be required to work nights, weekends, and extended hours or be on call when necessary.
  • Educated the employees, community partner organizations and the public about preventive measures against disasters and preparedness for various natural disasters.

National Service

09/2017 - 12/2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Accra, Ghana

  • Administered software licensing and purchased a firewall, reducing hackers attack and unauthorized website access by employees from 3% to 0.01%. Visually inspected temperature sensors to maintain the health of servers and network devices. Upgraded and expanded network systems and their components.

Personal Project

Duty Roster Web App

Tools: Java, Bash; StreamLit, smtplib, sqlite3, Twilio, Log4j

    A flexible Duty Roster web application which determined and displayed individuals in charge of weekly cleanup. An email or SMS notification system was also set up on a Raspberry pi and a cronjob used to notify individuals in charge weekly.

TinDog Web App

Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap framework

    A web application designed to match and meet new dogs nearby. A bootstrap framework and media query technologies are used to make the application crossscreen compatible.

Get In Touch

If you love to play FIFA as much as I do.

Love FIFA soccer as much as I do? Let's play a friendly match after coding! Come online now!

LinkedIn Twitter Website

© 2022 Mohammed Abdulai.